- ##plugins.themes.gdThemes.article.PublishedDate##
- 13/03/2023
Dear Reader
This book is the result of a collective effort to present and develop knowledge in all scientific areas. We would like to thank all participants in this magnificent interdisciplinary work, firstly. We would also like to remind you that the idea of this connection and conversation between diverse areas, all correlated with the improvement of science, is done internationally, preferring to eliminate borders to reach the largest number of people and spread knowledge. In this sense, we quote Bobbio, who says that borders are a great obstacle to reaching all those who are different and that people are people no matter their nationality when he talks about the diffusion of human rights. In this way, this book, despite being indexed in a platform, can reach everyone and fulfill its role of developing and flourishing in different places without excluding people. Finally, we hope, dear reader, that you find this book pertinent, and if you feel instigated, you can contribute to our mission and spread the knowledge through future submissions.
Enjoy your reading!
The publisher.