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The movements of power relations in the "christmas special" of the Porta Dos Fundos

Thamires Nascimento Dearo

Roselene de Fátima Coito



This work has as corpus the Christmas special "The first temptation of Christ", the humor collective Portas dos fundos, and aims to analyze the movements of power relations in production, taking into account the attack that the producer suffered after the exhibition on Netflix. The main theoretical foundation is Foucault to explain about regimes of look and power relations, but mbembe's theory of necropolitics was also used, among other theorists. We came to the conclusion that the violent act was encouraged by hate speech about the LGBTQI+ community strengthened after the 2018 election, in which extremists found themselves empowered by having a representative in power. We realized that the policy that is established is a policy of death/violence, which discriminates against homosexuals because it is not biologically within a conception of normality and that favors acts like this to happen.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Thamires Nascimento Dearo , Roselene de Fátima Coito


  • Thamires Nascimento Dearo
  • Roselene de Fátima Coito