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Basic conditioning factors in the context of the self-care capabilities of hospitalized elderly people

José Vitor da Silva

Matheus Henrique Alves de Moura

Elaine Aparecida Rocha Domingues



Objective: to associate sociodemographic and health characteristics with self-care capacity.  Method: This is a study with a quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The study participated in 200 people over 60 years of age, in hospital for at least 24 hours, in the medical, surgical and cardiology clinics, with preserved cognitive capacity and verbal communication hospitalized. Elderly people who presented in a situation of dependence and physical frailties with hemodynamic alterations were excluded. The instruments were used: Sociodemographic and Health Characterization of The Healthy And the Scale to Assess Self-Care Capacities.  Results: The differences between self-care capacity with income (p=0.037) and physical disability (p=<0.001) were statistically significant. When correlating age with self-care capacity, the p-value corresponded to 0.006. Conclusions: The basic conditioning factors: age, income and physical disability were associated with self-care capacities.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 José Vitor da Silva, Matheus Henrique Alves de Moura, Elaine Aparecida Rocha Domingues


  • José Vitor da Silva
  • Matheus Henrique Alves de Moura
  • Elaine Aparecida Rocha Domingues