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Literature review: Impacts of decrease in socialization on child development

Diego Jales Portela

Isabel Tomé de Sousa

Aline Gabrielle Medeiros

Manoela Terra Magalhães

Laura Costa Brito

Victoria Maria Costa da Silva Estevão de Azevedo

Mayana Aquino Correia de Lima

Jennifer Tuane Felipe de Góis

Jorge Luiz da Silva Segundo

Manuela Barbosa Rodrigues de Souza



Social isolation in childhood has several consequences from low social interaction to impaired growth and development, so this work aims to bring these effects to the various aspects of child development today. This will be done through the characterization of the experiences that are placed around them, leading to cognitive development, quick thinking, communication, languages, motor and social skills. An integrative literature review was carried out in an electronic database of SciELO and PubMed done accordingly to DeCS, through inclusion and exclusion criterias for the selection scientific works, associated with complementary database from FIOCRUZ and Ministry of Health . Furthermore, for the development of the first stage of the project, the PICO method was used. Through this work, the importance of the environment in which the individual is inserted is exposed, showing that the lack of social interaction through isolation will damage their development. As well as showing the importance of understanding the process of human development and its two main stages, the social and the emotional, to deal better with problems that may appear in early childhood. It is concluded that child isolation would bring harm in adult life and delays in child development. In adult life, it causes difficulties in academic achievements, greater chance of neural, biological, psychiatric, socioeconomic and educational damage. The delay in childhood would be directed towards motor, intellectual, linguistic and psycho-emotional skills. 



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Jales Portela, Isabel Tomé de Sousa , Aline Gabrielle Medeiros, Manoela Terra Magalhães , Laura Costa Brito , Victoria Maria Costa da Silva Estevão de Azevedo , Mayana Aquino Correia de Lima, Jennifer Tuane Felipe de Góis , Jorge Luiz da Silva Segundo, Manuela Barbosa Rodrigues de Souza


  • Diego Jales Portela
  • Isabel Tomé de Sousa
  • Aline Gabrielle Medeiros
  • Manoela Terra Magalhães
  • Laura Costa Brito
  • Victoria Maria Costa da Silva Estevão de Azevedo
  • Mayana Aquino Correia de Lima
  • Jennifer Tuane Felipe de Góis
  • Jorge Luiz da Silva Segundo
  • Manuela Barbosa Rodrigues de Souza