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Software Development for Public Contract Inspectors: Experience Report

Aparecida Vaz J;
Vicente de Paulo Sobrinho E;
Claudia Granato Malpass A

Juliana Aparecida Vaz

Elder Vicente de Paulo Sobrinho

Ana Claudia Granato Malpass


Public Contracts


The present work refers to an experience report lived by a master's student, from the Professional Master's Program in Technological Innovation at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro - UFTM (Uberaba-MG), about the development of software. This work aims to detail the steps taken when working in the development of the technological product, using a free No Code platform, since the master's student graduated in Administration and does not have deep knowledge in the area of computing. Such a platform has grown exponentially for the development of technological products around the world. The software developed, called “Fiscalito Ti Conecta” is a customized technological tool to support the inspection of public contracts. A centralized management software guarantees better use of time, and interactivity, and expands the access of those involved in real-time, creating a collaborative environment, of greater production and acceleration in the transmission of knowledge. As a result of the validation of the developed product, positive comments were obtained from some university inspectors, who were invited to learn about the system. The developed software meets the search for technological acceleration in public management claimed by the federal government of Brazil.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Juliana Aparecida Vaz , Elder Vicente de Paulo Sobrinho, Ana Claudia Granato Malpass


  • Juliana Aparecida Vaz
  • Elder Vicente de Paulo Sobrinho
  • Ana Claudia Granato Malpass