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Sociology of education

Adelcio Machado dos Santos



Sociology integrates the group of sciences which study human beings and their complex social life.  In , the whole development of sociological science demonstrates its connection with education and its importance in the educational context.   Sociology of education has the function of performing the study about social conditions of education, considering the study of educational phenomena in its social aspect, based on concepts, topics and methods which have their origin in sociology in general.   Sociology of Education highlights the transmission of culture through education, as well as the mutual influence among education and social groups, social intitutions, social stratification, social control, social deviation, social development, social change, etc. on...  All these aspects of Sociology of Education highlight its importance in the educational context. The social nature of the educative process and its intimate and organic relations which there are between school and society bring the relevance of the great importance that Sociology of Education has in the formation of an educator.   When one studies Sociology of Education, he makes a deeper contact with the pedagogical and social reality, make it possible to verify the influence social factors have on educative process.   With that, it is possible to notice the relation there is among social facts and social facts.  The perception of the interest which occurs between social factors and educative process widens general culture and provides a clearer and more penetratin vision of the educational phenomon. Brazil



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  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos