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Philosophy of education introduction to epistemological status

Adelcio Machado dos Santos



The philosophical thoughty is characterized by reflection, that is, the search for something by itself through speculation, examining and analysing carefully.   When defined as reflection, philosophy is constituted as the knowledge of knowledge, i.e., thinking is acting over scientific thought itself, questioning it and troubling it.   Pedagogics is understood as a science and its principles should be submitted to philosophical reflection, onc philosophy is not restricted to the control of what can be observed by senses, orientating itself towards the knowledgeof principles which escape the perception of senses.   In Philosophy of Education, philosophy is put as a form of knowledge and education, as a philosophical problem.  Together, both terms represent the study of theoretical and practical foundations in our society.   The essential Philosophy of Education function consists of critically follow educational activity, in order to explain its principle, to clarify the function and contribution of pedagogical disciplines and to evaluate the meaning of the chosen solutions.   The absence of philosophical orientation in education field may bring a bad result.  It is only possible to improve and rebuilt the educational system when one has a true Philosophy of Education, in which there is a deal about objectives, possibilities and conditions for education.  So, Philosophy of Education is truely necesaru for the success of pedagogical science.



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  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos