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Why discuss sexual and gender diversity in school?

Sara Gonçalves Figueredo de Sousa

Paula Alexandra Trindade Mota

John Jamerson da Silva Brito

Cynthia Valéria de Souza Silva

Witembergue Gomes Zaparoli



The uniqueness of different subjects and cultures within the school leads us to reflect on the socialization processes that take place in this environment of social relations. Several currents have been propagating ideas and producing theories, in order to categorize relationships that involve equality, inequality and difference. The purpose of this work is to investigate how gender and sexual diversity issues are addressed in the school context and to try to think about sexual and gender diversity in school from a relational perspective, problematizing the role of the teacher in an attempt to seek the essentialization of identityidentitár ia.  Understanding this issue as indispensable for discussions on this theme, and bringing not only authors who work with gender and sexuality, but also the contributions of analyses on culture, interculturality and the development of equity within the school.  The research methodology is qualitative, and the analyses started from a bibliographic study. To support this production, works by authors such as Castro, Louro, Candau, Silva and others were used. The results show the importance of the teacher's social work in understanding and discussing the theme of sexual and gender diversity.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sara Gonçalves Figueredo de Sousa, Paula Alexandra Trindade Mota, John Jamerson da Silva Brito, Cynthia Valéria de Souza Silva, Witembergue Gomes Zaparoli


  • Sara Gonçalves Figueredo de Sousa
  • Paula Alexandra Trindade Mota
  • John Jamerson da Silva Brito
  • Cynthia Valéria de Souza Silva
  • Witembergue Gomes Zaparoli