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  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
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Published in 06/02/2023


Temos o prazer de lançar o PRIMEIRO livro internacional voltado a área do desenvolvimento do ano de 2023, que tem como título Methodology focused on the area of interdisciplinarity, essa obra é editada pela Seven Publicações Ltda, tendo a composição de diversos capítulos voltados ao desenvolvimento e disseminação do conhecimento nas diversas áreas do desenvolvimento.


A Seven Editora, agradece e enaltasse os autores que fizeram parte desse livro.


Desejamos uma boa leitura a todos!



ISBN DO LIVRO:  978-65-84976-22-1
DOI DO LIVRO: 10.56238/methfthaofinterv12023-

  • View issue description

    Temos o prazer de lançar o PRIMEIRO livro internacional voltado a área do desenvolvimento do ano de 2023, que tem como título Methodology focused on the area of interdisciplinarity, essa obra é editada pela Seven Publicações Ltda, tendo a composição de diversos capítulos voltados ao desenvolvimento e disseminação do conhecimento nas diversas áreas do desenvolvimento.


    A Seven Editora, agradece e enaltasse os autores que fizeram parte desse livro.


    Desejamos uma boa leitura a todos!



    ISBN DO LIVRO:  978-65-84976-22-1
    DOI DO LIVRO: 10.56238/methfthaofinterv12023-



Valente N.


Health Sciences

The mental health of professionals in the health area: a study carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic

Quintiliano AMC;
de Castro MM;
Silva LAM;
Antoniassi Junior G.

Chapter 17

Health Sciences

Food and nutritional education proposal for sustainability

Cavalcante ANA;
Freitas RMB;
de Paula PC.
| 119-129


Health Sciences

Care of adolescents with depressive symptoms in a teaching clinic

Gedrat DC;
Schröder NT;
da Silva DS.
| 144-158


Health Sciences

Pancreatic repercussions among patients with COVID-19: Integrative Literature Review

Weinberg GG;
Peixoto DVG;
de Queiroz TRC;
Uchôa EPAD;
et al.
| 159-169


Health Sciences

Crisis care in the covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of formative psychology

Cohn L;
Cristina Martins Cordeiro I;
Tiemi Kikuti K;
Destri De Moura R;
et al.

Chapter 119

Human Sciences

Teleworking And The Negative Impacts Of Hyperconnection

Zeni ASV;
Paixão JMP;
da Silva LDV.

Chapter 5

Human Sciences

Geogebra software in basics of flat geometry: a teaching methodology for the major fundamental

Macedo F;
Costa MJS;
Lima RC;
Lobato Júnior JMS;
et al.
| 72-98

Chapter 23

Human Sciences

Custodian and Custody: the formation as a cornerstone

Souza JPM;
Faceira LS;
Scaff MF.

Chapter 35

Human Sciences

ADHD and the new guidelines

de Carvalho ASM;
Albuquerque LFS;
Souza KLA;
Pereira IS;
et al.

Chapter 42

Human Sciences

MAVRS and MHR: preventive conservation of the collection

Bortoluzzi BP;
de Lima FT;
Barancelli MB;
Vivian PG;
et al.
| 166-169


Human Sciences

Memory and history of school architecture during the first republic in Belém-PA

dos Santos AS;
Damasceno AF;
Alexandre MNR.
| 183-195


Human Sciences

PROBNCC in research: performances in early childhood educatio

de Oliveira MPCS;
de Oliveira MB.
| 219-233


Human Sciences

The Intersectionality Of Quilombola Woman And Her Needs Of Care: Evidence Of Scientific Literature

Pacheco ZML;
Almeida GBS;
Silva ÉAe;
Farah BF;
et al.
| 242-259

Capítulo 97

Human Sciences

Sedimentological Analysis Of Camocim Beach Zone, Ceará

Marques EDS;
Claudino-Sales VC;
Pinheiro LS.
| 260-269


Human Sciences

Patriarchy, Women's Empowerment And Social Capital

Hanzen M;
Coltre SM.
| 270-294


Human Sciences

Nucleation of the "odil pontes" school: a view from parents and students from the Tomé-Açu community of Espirito Santo, PA

Evangelista de Oliveira C;
Fabíola Evangelista de Oliveira A;
Bentes Tavares F;
Michelle Lima da Silva de Oliveira M;
et al.


Applied Social Sciences

Electric energy acquisition model in the free energy market for public administration

Monteiro PRD;
Maia KSO;
Philippsen Júnior LA;
Aragonc CVC.

Chapter 16

Applied Social Sciences

The deaf and the right to work

Neto AMO.

Chapter 30

Applied Social Sciences

Scenic costume: the development of a costume design for the Opera Antiochus by Francesco Gasparini edition of 1712

Nagamatsu RN;
Brito DM;
Matté LL;
Oening J;
et al.
| 218-226


Applied Social Sciences

Antimicrobial potential of Hansenula wingei dry extract in poultry cuts

Coelho AR;
de Almeida BS;
Hergesel MM;
de A. Rocha R;
et al.
| 245-254


Applied Social Sciences

Optimization in urban transport: an intermodal simulation with emphasis on energy efficiency

Bortolazzo SSA;
Cavallazzi E;
Valente AM.
| 255-266


Applied Social Sciences

The Broken Helix: innovation and the political-economic crisis in Brazil

de Jesus DSV;
Kamlot D.
| 285-300


Applied Social Sciences

Would there be marxist human rights?

Brasil GMM;
Urquiza AHA.
| 313-324


Applied Social Sciences

The patriarchal framework of social work

Landeros MG.
| 301-312


Applied Social Sciences

How Crowdfunding influences the spread of Fakes News in Brazilian elections

Rocha EA;
General KWB;
Losano MS.
| 325-334


Applied Social Sciences

Just In Time: Case Study In A Company Of The Industrial Center Of Manaus

dos Santos GV;
de Souza Júnior AA.
| 335-352


Applied Social Sciences

The Challenge Of Fuel Prices In Brazil

Ferraz DA;
Viegas PRA.
| 353-376


Applied Social Sciences

Results-oriented Strategic Management - Ministry of Planning case

Cavalcante PHF.
| 377-395


Applied Social Sciences

The legacy and contributions of Annunciada Chaves to history and history teaching in Pará

Golobovante S;
Damasceno A;
Paixão K;
Maia J;
et al.
| 396-405


Applied Social Sciences

First book of minutes of the council of Tui Algunhas reflexions

Fernandez MT;
Damaceno TMSS.
| 406-413

Chapter 113

Applied Social Sciences

Ammonianitrogen removal by chlorella sp. in different landfill leach dilutions

Celia Cavalcante de Paula e Silva M;
Virginia de Conceição Albuquerque M;
Milena Moura Rodrigues R;
de Oliveira Ramos R;
et al.


Applied Social Sciences

Quality of government accounting and tax information: An extract from Rondônia

Pereira RM;
Andrade LMN;
Lovo OA;
Magro EFD;
et al.

Chapter 123

Agricultural Sciences

Nutrient contents in vegetables fertilized with phosphate rock and gliricidia

de Matos SM;
Alves RN;
Chaves JS;
Pereira HR;
et al.

Chapter 34

Agricultural Sciences

Biosolubilization of rock dust phosphorus by inoculation of isolates of Trichoderma spp

de Almeida ACPS;
Ataíde CB;
dos Santos Júnior IG;
da Silva JM;
et al.

Chapter 43

Agricultural Sciences

Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants of the Amazon

Lameira OA;
Cordeiro IMCC;
Rodrigues SM;
et al.
| 54-65


Agricultural Sciences

Classification of physical status and anesthetic risk of dogs submitted to osteosynthesis

Maia LVT;
de Franca AG;
Sala PL;
de Sa TC;
et al.
| 89-92


Agricultural Sciences

Impact and Opportunities of Conservation Agriculture on Food and Nutrition Security in Timor-Leste

Correia VP;
da Costa D;
Bonis-Profumo G;
da Costa AMN;
et al.
| 93-120


Agricultural Sciences

Efficacy of Vaccination against Eimeria spp. in poultry

Ferreira GC;
Cassiano RP;
Beretta BMS;
Fernandes RA;
et al.
| 121-128


Agricultural Sciences

Quality characteristics of tomatoes grape type as function of packaging and storage

Rocha AM;
Chagas AaA;
Silva GCOe;
Rodrigues CG;
et al.
| 129´-147


Agricultural Sciences

Non-Obstructive Linear Intestinal Foreign Body In A Feline – Case Report

Peruzzo L;
Rigon V;
Libardoni RN;
Tanabe CM;
et al.
| 148-150


Exact and Earth Sciences

The McDonald's logo on the construction of knowledge

Tramm EV;
Cunha JGA.

Chapter 31

Exact and Earth Sciences

Experimental activities: possibilities for learning in mathematics classes

da Silva AO;
de Miranda GR;
Feitosa IM;
de Souza JFS;
et al.
| 48-58


Exact and Earth Sciences

Inspection of pathological manifestations and map of damage on facades: case study in "Block C" of the polytechnic school of Pernambuco

Alves LSB;
de Moura Junior JM;
Póvoas YV;
Campelo GFC;
et al.
| 59-69


Exact and Earth Sciences

Python Programming Workshops as OBI Preparation

Zanatta E;
da Silva MK;
Brusso MJ.
| 70-72


Exact and Earth Sciences

GQD purification study obtained by bottom-up route aiming at the production of photocatalysts

Sakaguti LG;
Fogaça LZ;
de Freitas CF;
Caetano W;
et al.
| 83-90


Exact and Earth Sciences

Development of Hybrid Linear Friction Welding of overlap and T joints in aluminum alloys

Maciel R;
Braga DF;
Infante VIMN;
Moreira PM;
et al.
| 91-110


Exact and Earth Sciences

Sustainability indicators in municipal waste management in the municipality of Salvaterra (Ilha do Marajó-Pará)

Ogorodnik MEA;
Borges HS;
de Castro AS;
do Nascimento DLG;
et al.
| 145-165


Exact and Earth Sciences

Assessment of Non-Ionizing Radiation from Radio Frequency Energy Emitters In the Urban Area of Natal City, Brazil

Pinheiro FSR;
Maranhão TMO;
Bernardo Filho M;
Rodrigues MEC;
et al.
| 201-209


Exact and Earth Sciences

Concrete waste as a substitute for cement: Evaluation of compression strength and CO2 emissions

Oliveira DRB;
Leite G;
Proença MP;
Risson KDBS;
et al.
| 210-227

Chapter 114

Biological Sciences

Biotechnology applied to the buriti fruit (Mauritia flexuosa Mart.)

Soares ZT;
Nascimento AA;
da Silva VS.

Chapter 20

Biological Sciences

Evaluation of the use of different lamps in light trap model for insect capture

Pelli A;
de Oliveira AR;
Gonçalves BV;
do Santos Júnior CP;
et al.
| 29-35

Capítulo 51