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Knowledge Management And Quality Management - Interactive Approach

Leandro Chiarello de Souza

Adelcio Machado dos Santos



The services, by their inherent characteristics, cannot present quality only if management knowledge is not attached to them. It is shown, based on Nonaka and Takeuchi's work "Creation and Knowledge in the company", that this happens in organizations aiming at efficiency and entrepreneurism.  One can say that the creation of organizational knowledge consists in the capacity a company has to create a piece of new knowledge and spread it in the organization as a whole, besides incorporating it into its products, services, and systems.  While this happens, one can notice that the perspective of learning and growth needs to be focused on people and on the infrastructure of human resources, which are extremely needful for the success of the organization.  The investments to be performed in this área can be considered another critical factor for the survival and development of the organizations in a long term.  However, this development needs to be sustained by an analysis and a constant intervention in the performance of the internal processes, being that these are considered the key processes of the business.  The improvement of these internal processes in the present constitutes the key indicator of financial success in the future.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Leandro Chiarello de Souza, Adelcio Machado dos Santos


  • Leandro Chiarello de Souza
  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos