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Evaluation of the use of different lamps in light trap model for insect capture

Afonso Pelli

Amanda Rodrigues de Oliveira

Bruna Vilarinho Gonçalves

Carlos Paulino do Santos Júnior

Eliana Mendes de Sousa Rezende

Evylin Sousa dos Santos

Fernanda Coutinho Sartori

Giuliana Gulhote Brunelli

Hellen Sant'Ana Pereira

Ian Kolossowski Martinez de Lima

Isabela David Cardoso

Juliana Soares Tofanin

Juliene Carla Endo Borges

Jullyana Costa Machado

Keila Samantha Silva

Larissa Gonçalves Guimarães

Larissa Nayara Bertolino Pravatto

Layany de Souza Lima

Matheus Ribeiro de Oliveira

Monise Gini Urzedo

Natália Araújo de Assis

Nathália Grosbelli Vicari

Rebeca de Oliveira Bezerra

Waldir César Ferreira de Oliveira

Yasmin Santos Colucci



Aware of the importance that insects have, as well as their influence, both in ecosystems and human activities, the group has always received prominence in several areas of knowledge. In order to enjoy this immense diversity, the first step is to recognize and classify them. For this, a light trap model was elaborated, using three different lights (black, cold white and warm white). The pitfall-style trap, which in addition to the lights contained a container with alcohol and detergent, was properly assembled. Insects were collected, analyzed and identified. These processes allowed analyzing the efficiency of the trap with different lamps in the capture of insects, as well as the Orders to which they belong. In the end, it was observed that the Order of highest index in the analysis was Homoptera, and that the trap whose light source was black light was the most efficient in quantitative capture, with a total of 497 insects, followed by warm cold white light, respectively.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Afonso Pelli, Amanda Rodrigues de Oliveira , Bruna Vilarinho Gonçalves, Carlos Paulino do Santos Júnior, Eliana Mendes de Sousa Rezende, Evylin Sousa dos Santos, Fernanda Coutinho Sartori, Giuliana Gulhote Brunelli, Hellen Sant'Ana Pereira, Ian Kolossowski Martinez de Lima, Isabela David Cardoso, Juliana Soares Tofanin, Juliene Carla Endo Borges, Jullyana Costa Machado, Keila Samantha Silva, Larissa Gonçalves Guimarães, Larissa Nayara Bertolino Pravatto, Layany de Souza Lima, Matheus Ribeiro de Oliveira, Monise Gini Urzedo, Natália Araújo de Assis, Nathália Grosbelli Vicari, Rebeca de Oliveira Bezerra, Waldir César Ferreira de Oliveira, Yasmin Santos Colucci


  • Afonso Pelli
  • Amanda Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Bruna Vilarinho Gonçalves
  • Carlos Paulino do Santos Júnior
  • Eliana Mendes de Sousa Rezende
  • Evylin Sousa dos Santos
  • Fernanda Coutinho Sartori
  • Giuliana Gulhote Brunelli
  • Hellen Sant'Ana Pereira
  • Ian Kolossowski Martinez de Lima
  • Isabela David Cardoso
  • Juliana Soares Tofanin
  • Juliene Carla Endo Borges
  • Jullyana Costa Machado
  • Keila Samantha Silva
  • Larissa Gonçalves Guimarães
  • Larissa Nayara Bertolino Pravatto
  • Layany de Souza Lima
  • Matheus Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Monise Gini Urzedo
  • Natália Araújo de Assis
  • Nathália Grosbelli Vicari
  • Rebeca de Oliveira Bezerra
  • Waldir César Ferreira de Oliveira
  • Yasmin Santos Colucci