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Importance of the implementation of the Military Criminal Execution Regulation in the Tocantins Military Police – PMTO

Marcos Antônio Negreiro Dias

Philipe Lira de Carvalho



This study aimed to present a study on the importance of the implementation of the Military Criminal Execution Regulation of the Military Police of the State of Tocantins - PMTO. The research was based on a qualitative approach in theoretical and documentary references, as well as access to quantitative data of prisoners held in  the Military Police Units - PMTO's UPM in 2019. The bibliographic and documentary research required the methodology of scientific work, focusing on the analysis of the general aspects and concepts of the Military Criminal Execution. In addition, there were several doctrinal understandings regarding the application of the Criminal Execution Law – LEP in the Military Justice. The above, the data and information were listed, which were analyzed and discussed the institutional deficiencies and also proposed the implementation of the Military Criminal Execution Regulation as a legal mechanism to control the discipline of military and common prisoners who are custodiated within the pmto prison units.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marcos Antônio Negreiro Dias, Philipe Lira de Carvalho


  • Marcos Antônio Negreiro Dias
  • Philipe Lira de Carvalho