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Municipal public management and the conservation of water resources: a case study of the microbiological quality of a pond located in the city of Caucaia

Manuella Macêdo Barbosa

Ana Evelin Sousa de Melo

Kevia Emile Alves de Freitas

Emanuelle Priscilla Herculano Alencar



Industrial and technological growth and development, with an intense urbanization process, cannot be carried out only by the economic aspect, exposing natural resources to contamination. The release of effluents, without proper treatment, impairs the quality of the water, and it is up to the public power to effectively comply with the inspection and awareness of civil society, aiming at the preservation of water resources. For the development of this article, applied, explanatory research was used, characterizing itself as a case study, selecting for this study a lake located in the municipality of Caucaia, state of Ceará. Thus, the general objective of this work was to study the microbiological quality of water in a pond, located in the municipality of Caucaia, state of Ceará, based on Resolution Nº 396, of the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA). The experimental study was carried out by studying the microbiological analysis of the water, detecting the presence of total coliform microorganisms, thermotolerant coliforms, and the presence of E.coli. It was observed that the tests were positive for the detection of total and thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia Coli. One of the main reasons that may have influenced the positive results is the presence of solid and liquid waste, including sanitary sewage, capable of offering health risks or making the water degradable for recreation and fishing. Therefore, more effective action by the government is needed concerning the inspection of effluent treatment, as well as carrying out environmental education campaigns and sanitation and cleaning actions around this water body.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Manuella Macêdo Barbosa, Ana Evelin Sousa de Melo, Kevia Emile Alves de Freitas , Emanuelle Priscilla Herculano Alencar


  • Manuella Macêdo Barbosa
  • Ana Evelin Sousa de Melo
  • Kevia Emile Alves de Freitas
  • Emanuelle Priscilla Herculano Alencar