Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Published in 03/04/2023


ISBN DO LIVRO:  978-65-84976-39-9
DOI DO LIVRO: 10.56238/alookdevelopv1-



Valente N.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Virtual reality

Ferreira KLC;
Barbosa ATR.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Risk analysis in geotechnical works with the use of explosives

Cavalcante PH;
de Assis AP.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy

Cavalcanti JTF;
de Lima JG;
Melo MRN;
Monteiro ECB;
et al.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Ozone depletion: causes and solutions

Santos AM;
Borille FCA;
Furtado FCN;
Monteiro ECB;
et al.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Sustainable solutions for clean energy production

Batista VS;
Chagas JVS;
da Silva AKD;
da Silva YA;
et al.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Applications of mathematics and physics for the construction of a stress bridge in high school

O’Donnell Krause M;
Pereira Oliveira D;
Luis Arantes Dahlke J;
Filipe Anjos de Carvalho R;
et al.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Oil storage tank bottom corrosion evaluation using acoustic emission testing

Moura CAT;
Mainier FB;
Monteiro PRD.

Chapter 33

Exact and Earth Sciences

Factors and consequences of acid rain incidence

Leal RA;
Silva TA;
Mergulhão TJC;
Monteiro ECB;
et al.

Chapter 62

Exact and Earth Sciences

From the plastics manufacturing process to the way to the oceans

Caldas MCF;
Oliveira KW;
Santos JCV;
Monteiro ECB;
et al.

Chapter 63

Exact and Earth Sciences

Recent advances in soil glyphosate contamination and removal

Ferreira INS;
Andrade RFS;
Takaki GMoC.

Chapter 67

Exact and Earth Sciences

Curriculum and professional training/mathematics education

Silva EF;
Ferreira ÂN;
Sá JM;
Gonsalves GL;
et al.

Chapter 83

Exact and Earth Sciences

Contribution of civil construction in the emission of gases involved with greenhouse effect

Furtado FCN;
Borille FCA;
Santos AM;
Monteiro ECB;
et al.


Exact and Earth Sciences

Kinetics of thermal degradation of beet dyes (beta vulgares l) in aqueous medium

Silva TD;
Silva HM;
Rosas JCF;
Ribeiro AB;
et al.

Chapter 164


Babassu coal as a thermal source for absorption refrigeration system in the state of Maranhão

Nascimento US;
Nascimento SMC;
da Silva Neto AS;
Pestana Filho JR;
et al.



Wireless biometric information exchange system

Casaque RR;
Castro JL;
Benini FAV.

Chapter 192

Biological Sciences

Flavonoids effects on the proliferation and protection of Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Busso JS;
de Sá JM;
Fossey MA;
Caruso ÍP;
et al.


Biological Sciences

Ecological Corridors as Management Tools

Freitas LE;
Garay IEG.

Chapter 75

Biological Sciences

The importance of vaccination in the specific prevention of children and adolescents

London IB;
Mocelin MQM;
Villela MFA;
Andrade JA.

Chapter 161

Biological Sciences

Endophytic fungi and their compounds of agronomic interest

Ferreira TPS;
Ferreira TPS;
Mourão DSC;
Xavier MCA;
et al.

Chapter 174

Health Sciences

Occupational therapy and assistive technology

Rodrigues HO;
Buin L;
Pereira AJAT;
Landim SF.


Health Sciences

The participation of nurses in relation to patients in brain death

dos Santos RC;
Leite Junior HP;
de Souza KF.


Health Sciences

Systematized review study on biochemical biomarkers of overtraining

Carneiro TO;
Orso RSA;
Gargioni LF;
Crisóstomo IG;
et al.

Chapter 18

Health Sciences

Body composition of an elit de jockey team - Argentina flows model

Witriw AM;
Scarano SM;
Martinez N;
De Feo Y;
et al.


Health Sciences

The impact of antibiotics treatment on the obstetric prognosis of patients with chronic endometriosis

Bandeira Domiciano C;
Costa Filho A;
Camilo Neto G;
Hortiz de Carvalho Nobre Felipe D;
et al.


Health Sciences

Laparoscopic therapy as a treatment for diaphragmatic endometriosis

Bandeira Domiciano C;
Costa Filho A;
Camilo Neto G;
Hortiz de Carvalho Nobre Felipe D;
et al.


Health Sciences

“Kissing Ovaries” and deep endometriosis: Case report with surgical outcome

Caldana N;
Gabriel Costa Sousa Í;
Moletto Polveiro I;
Faria Sales S;
et al.


Health Sciences

Basal cell nevoid carcinoma syndrome: A review

Marinho SA;
da Silva HPV.


Health Sciences

Certain aspects involving anorexia nervosa in female adolescents

Soares LVS;
Santiago Netta MDL;
do Nascimento Júnior AP;
Barbosa ELB.


Health Sciences

Cannabis and its dilemmas in psychiatry

Facco VB;
Rodrigues FG;
Castel GMD;
Campos LF;
et al.

Chapter 22

Health Sciences

Epidemiological profile of seropositive pregnant women

Sales ACS;
Bittencourt CB;
Araújo GC;
Oliveira GB;
et al.

Chapter 24

Health Sciences

Emotional overload in forensic work: A narrative review of the literature

Santiago MLO;
Macena RHM;
Filho REM;
Cavalcante MB;
et al.


Health Sciences

Effective communication as a form of inclusion in the care of hearing-impaired people

Uchôa IS;
Santos JKO;
Magalhães MAV;
Freitas FAPS;
et al.

Chapter 43

Health Sciences

Motivational aspects in adult practitioners of sport climbing

Durand ECP;
Caldeira NI;
Moreira CHS.

Chapter 64

Health Sciences

Lipid nutritional quality of industrialized enteral formulas available in the Brazilian market

Bolognese MA;
Figueiredo AL;
Júnior OOS;
Visentainer JV.

Chapter 77

Health Sciences

Neonatal jaundice and breastfeeding

Barbosa BKR;
Queiroz CM;
Macêdo CR;
França DA;
et al.

Chapter 101

Health Sciences

Benefit of pleasurable physical activity for the elderly: An integrative review

Carvalho WV;
Katakura EALB;
Carvalho TLRB;
Koga PM;
et al.

Chapter 119

Health Sciences

Occurrence of cesarean according to Robson's criteria in two brazilian cohorts

Botentuit TNA;
Batista RFL;
Rodrigues LS;
Abreu LP;
et al.

Chapter 122

Health Sciences

Nursing diagnoses in the period of climacteric and menopause

Ohara ECC;
Reis BR;
Almeida DS;
Silva MA;
et al.

Chapter 144

Health Sciences

Electronic cigarette use and its systemic repercussions

Carvalho MT;
Rodrigues ACF;
Rocha IR;
Pereira LP.

Chapter 155

Health Sciences

Adolescent pregnancy and rural health: An experience report

Andres SC;
Machado LB;
Kleinubing RE;
Cabral TS;
et al.

Chapter 177

Health Sciences

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy diagnosis and clinical management: A literature review

Oliveira MEH;
Queiroz RN;
Filho HBR;
Rocha FR;
et al.

Chapter 185

Agricultural Sciences

Normal climatological water balance in the microregion of alto teles pires - MT

Hurtado de Mendoza Borges P;
Hurtado de Mendoza Morais P;
Morais dos Santos Hurtado de Mendoza Z;
Navarro Bezerra D.


Agricultural Sciences

Study and treatment proposal for an effluent generated in a slaughterhouse

Asanuma NK;
dos Santos JPG;
Polastri P;
Martins DCC.


Agricultural Sciences

Fetal sexing in bovine embryos for in vitro production – literature review.

de Lucena LM;
Delfino KS;
Prazeres TA;
da Silva WG;
et al.


Agricultural Sciences

The use of non-destructive testing methods on glued laminated wood to obtain data

Mastela LC;
Segundinho PGA;
Gonçalves FG;
Souza CGF;
et al.

Chapter 11

Agricultural Sciences

Thoracotomy for esophageal foreign body removal in a dog

Flores FS;
Cassanego GR;
Costa EP;
Rosa CC;
et al.

Chapter 20

Agricultural Sciences

Production Costs of Chenopodium quinoa in Andean Communities

Romero-Carazas R;
Tataje FAO;
Casco RJE;
Castaneda DRY;
et al.


Agricultural Sciences

Infectious diseases linked to the reproduction of canids and felids

Flores FS;
Braga DN;
Costa EP;
Rosa CC;
et al.

Chapter 21

Agricultural Sciences

Passion fruit production under different swine wastewater doses treated in a biodigester

Vásquez MAN;
Santos AMS;
de Oliveira DF;
Vásquez EMF;
et al.


Agricultural Sciences

Cryoconcentration technology applied in grape-based beverages: A review

Campos FM;
Keiber M;
Souto VO;
Oliveira JB;
et al.

Chapter 32 (Português (Brasil))

Agricultural Sciences

Splenectomy in cases of splenic Hemangiosarcoma

Andrade VG;
Carvalho AMG;
Fernandes BJS;
Borges ILR;
et al.

Chapter 66

Agricultural Sciences

Chickpea flour in gluten-free baked products

Kanai RSS;
Souza B;
Shirai MA.

Chapter 94

Agricultural Sciences

Meningocele and procephalic hypoplasia in a calf in the Sertão da Paraíba

Oliveira AM;
Souto EPF;
Garcia DS;
Dantas AFM.

Chapter 189

Agricultural Sciences

Parasitism by cestodes in free-range chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Souto EPF;
Oliveira AM;
Garcia DS;
Dantas AFM.

Chapter 190

Agricultural Sciences

Potential use of the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) in Poultry Production

Penido WD;
Souza TVM;
Vasconcellos CHF;
Souza MF;
et al.

Chapter 194

Applied Social Sciences

The cerrado as a Brazilian national heritage: Subsidies for the conservation of its flora

Peixoto JC;
Ribeiro CL;
Castro JDB;
Carvalho GR.


Applied Social Sciences

Evidence of the 4is of organizational learning in leadership development

Prado GM;
de Mello MICM;
Steil AV.


Applied Social Sciences

Multicriteria approach applied to knowledge management: A review

Goffi AS;
Zarelli PR;
Mendes L.

Chapter 27

Applied Social Sciences

Mapping risks in UNILA acquisitions

Sturmer RA;
Dechechi EC;
Garcia E.

Chapter 59

Applied Social Sciences

Tree characterization to improve thermal comfort, in the city of Santiago de Guayaquil

Iturralde OAH;
Cañarte CAN;
Carpio BAB;
Yépez CVS.

Chapter 60

Applied Social Sciences

Implementation of PMO in the state secretariat of infrastructure and mobility of Santa Catarina

Junior HM;
Vasconcellos J;
Pereira JC;
Bianchet L;
et al.

Chapter 79

Applied Social Sciences

Teaching, research, extension and management: UNIFAP's contribution to the SDGS of the 2030 agenda

Pinheiro NG;
Ferreira JFC;
Freitas JS;
Freitas ACP.

Chapter 99

Applied Social Sciences

Rape culture: A socio-historical, legal and human analysis

Hermes EE;
Griza LS;
Schröder M;
Puhl MJ.

Chapter 124

Applied Social Sciences

A brief reflection on the process of imprisonment in prison

Faceira LS;
Silva DS;
Azevedo T;
Cardoso R.

Chapter 126

Applied Social Sciences

Youth cyberfeminism: Issues for our times

Sousa KAA;
Monte LMI;
Silva MLP;
Júnior PTXS;
et al.

Chapter 128

Applied Social Sciences

Epistemological foundations of social entrepreneurship from complex thinking

Soto FCN;
Castillo CdPC;
Chiparra WEM;
Casco RJE;
et al.

Chapter 133

Applied Social Sciences

The role of leadership in the process of remembering and forgetting: An experience report

Machado CA;
Lima AKG;
Pinheiro FFA;
Oliveira PS;
et al.

Chapter 143

Applied Social Sciences

Epidemiological factors of monkeypox transmission

Morais TR;
Carvalho HFN;
Girão MMF;
Albuquerque LP;
et al.

Chapter 151

Applied Social Sciences

The computer: My friend, my enemy

Silva AA;
Junior PSS;
Queiroz DP.

Chapter 154

Applied Social Sciences

Immobilization of enzymatic extract in polyester fiber emulsified with polyurethane resin

Puton BMS;
Bernardi JL;
Denti AF;
Venquiaruto LD;
et al.

Chapter 163

Applied Social Sciences

The evolution of psychology in the organizational sector

Saldanha DC;
Conceição ML.

Chapter 171

Human Sciences

Study on the acceptance of mobility management measures for people with disabilities

da Invenção DS;
Freire ACP;
Pinto IMD;
Delgado JPM;
et al.


Human Sciences

The music files

Vicente NPG.


Human Sciences

Damned good piseiro!

de Souza FAF.


Human Sciences

Amazon: its space and its inhabitants

Schuindt E;
Sousa GC.


Human Sciences

History of education within graduate programs in education in Pará state universities

Miranda JI;
Damasceno A;
Mesquita J;
Madeira I;
et al.


Human Sciences

Consumerism and consumerist lawsuits

Oliveira TM;
Lacerda EV.

Chapter 158

Linguistics, Letters and Arts

Experience of literacy and mathematical literacy with textual genre in a methodological intervention project

Cardoso KLP;
de Souza EO;
Manfredo ECG;
Oliveira EP.


Linguistics, Letters and Arts

Linguistic prejudice: Situations experienced within the school context

Araujo MAA;
Araújo IGB;
Costa DF;
Fontenele EFT.

Chapter 120

Linguistics, Letters and Arts

Hans Staden, the other’s other

Ferrão FA.

Chapter 130