Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
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Search Parameters

A study on Apple and its actions in retail marketing

da Sila L;
Antunes MJM;
Carrino AL.

A framework for utility marketing

da Silva REG;
Minciotti SA.
| 465-485

Strategies for improvement in marketing planning: A case study in the company PDCM

de Lima FD;
de Araújo JM;
Pereira RS;
Colares CB;
et al.
| 522-537

Agile Marketing: uma estratégia mercadológica além do 4.0

Feitosa EJ;
Rolim P. Dos Reis E;
A. E. Negri M.

Netflix: Branding strategies on Instagram

Abdala LAZ;
Carneiro MRO.
| 500-528

Managerial actions in health care companies

Gomes FV;
Azoubel R;
Eloy GJE.
| 357-365

Food consumption in the Brazilian Creole cultural locality: A literature review

Rodrigues BVB;
Tessmann ACO;
de Abuquerque ML;
Rodrigues NAS;
et al.
| 64-82

The marketing challenges faced by the medical entrepreneur

Vinicius de Carvalho Souza M;
Pires Martins dos Santos L;
de Oliveira Freire S;
Luiza Xavier Carvalho Andrade I;
et al.