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A framework for utility marketing

Renato Emanuel Gomes da Silva

Silvio Augusto Minciotti



The general objective of this work is to present a framework containing the steps that enable the implementation of Public Services Marketing. Public Services Marketing can be applied to the actions of government institutions at the federal, state and municipal levels, with a direct impact on the quality of life of the population, where the public sector seeks to facilitate access to public services, meeting social needs effectively. Therefore, according to Cezar (2019), the main function of Public Services Marketing is to allow society to have a more participatory role in public life and enjoy their rights as citizens, having access to all areas of public policy. The method adopted in this field research was the jury of experts, which according to Davis (1992) is widely used to evaluate instruments and procedures. The use of expert opinion in qualitative research aims to verify more accurate information in order to develop or improve the questionnaires used to collect data, as well as roadmaps for implementing managerial activities. The determining variables for the implementation of Public Services Marketing composed the framework, submitted to a jury of experts, to complement and validate the field research and is presented as a product for this work. The results offered by the experts' answers were analyzed, verifying an expressive agreement with the composition of the framework submitted to evaluation. It was observed that most of the comments presented endorsed the acceptance of the original text. Due to its pertinence, four suggestions were incorporated into the composition of the framework. Thus, there is a contribution to academia and the Public Administration sector about this unconventional application of Marketing, called Public Services Marketing, in the set of the theoretical framework and framework presented.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Renato Emanuel Gomes da Silva, Silvio Augusto Minciotti


  • Renato Emanuel Gomes da Silva
  • Silvio Augusto Minciotti