Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
  • Support Contact

Search Parameters

Spirituality and psychology: Converging themes

Ferreira HAQ;
Hasan S;
Lopes SMB.
| 529-552

Bibliometric study of chemical compounds based on medicinal plants anti-Alzheimer

Fernandes IC;
Dalarmi L;
Montrucchio DP;
Gaspari Dias JF;
et al.

The vision of teachers from Ceará on racism in public schools

Pereira PP;
Gomes RLR;
Filho IOH;
Cruz MPM.

Manual Knitting: Who knits a stitch, weaves a tale

Moraes MA;
Trauer E;
Novelli D;
Silveira I;
et al.
| 1280-1300

Use of technologies in the people management area of organizations

Cristine Cavacini D;
Teresinha Agnolin C;
Cristina Groto L;
Barato Vanz E.