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Pedagogical practices and teaching in rural education: Historical and contextualized reflections

Andréia Moreira

Laudemir Luiz Zart



This article is part of the research developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Education - PPGEdu of UNEMAT and is part of the theme of pedagogical practices aimed at rural education. The present study had a problem question: what are the pedagogical practices and the necessary teaching for an educational practice contextualized to rural education? To answer the question of the study, we established as a general objective to analyze the pedagogical and teaching practices proposed for a contextualized educational practice in rural education. As for the methodological aspects, the research is qualitative and used the techniques of bibliographic research and field observation. Among the main results achieved, we can highlight that the studies of the authors who founded the present research guide so that the educational practices and teaching experienced in rural education are contextualized to the reality of the countryside and the people who live and resist it, in order to guarantee not only educational rights, but also the land and to live on it, staying in the field.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Andréia Moreira, Laudemir Luiz Zart