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Adna Rodrigues de Alencar

Argentina Mororó Castro

Danielle Taumaturgo Dias Soares

Emanuelle Grace Kelly Santos de Oliveira

Ivan de Oliveira Holanda Filho

Jayane Freires Ferreira

Juvanildo Terra de Alencar Junior

Jeckson Rubens Macedo de Lima Pereira

Lilian do Socorro Viana e Viana Amaral

Marcos Paulo Mesquita da Cruz

Régia Maria Carvalho Xavier

Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes



The article "The Science of Education and its Relevance to Educational Research: Contributions Towards a Sustainable Society" explores the importance of the Science of Education in shaping pedagogical practices that promote social and environmental sustainability. In a context where education is viewed as a fundamental pillar for the development of critical and engaged citizens, educational research becomes an essential tool for understanding and implementing these practices. The study highlights how the Science of Education can integrate diverse theories and methodologies, contributing to the construction of a more conscious and responsible education. The methodology adopted followed a qualitative approach, utilizing bibliographic research to analyze relevant works and theories in the field. The general objective was to investigate the relevance of the Science of Education to educational research, emphasizing its contributions to the promotion of a sustainable society. To this end, specific objectives were established, addressing topics ranging from the analysis of the characteristics of educational research to discussions on normativity and pedagogical practice. In conclusion, the Science of Education proves to be an essential discipline in the search for educational solutions that promote not only knowledge but also the ethical and social values necessary to face contemporary challenges. By integrating theory and practice, this science significantly contributes to the development of individuals committed to a more sustainable future, reaffirming its central role in educational research.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Adna Rodrigues de Alencar, Argentina Mororó Castro, Danielle Taumaturgo Dias Soares, Emanuelle Grace Kelly Santos de Oliveira, Ivan de Oliveira Holanda Filho, Jayane Freires Ferreira, Juvanildo Terra de Alencar Junior, Jeckson Rubens Macedo de Lima Pereira, Lilian do Socorro Viana e Viana Amaral, Marcos Paulo Mesquita da Cruz, Régia Maria Carvalho Xavier, Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes


  • Adna Rodrigues de Alencar
  • Argentina Mororó Castro
  • Danielle Taumaturgo Dias Soares
  • Emanuelle Grace Kelly Santos de Oliveira
  • Ivan de Oliveira Holanda Filho
  • Jayane Freires Ferreira
  • Juvanildo Terra de Alencar Junior
  • Jeckson Rubens Macedo de Lima Pereira
  • Lilian do Socorro Viana e Viana Amaral
  • Marcos Paulo Mesquita da Cruz
  • Régia Maria Carvalho Xavier
  • Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes