The neoconservative aspect of the BNCC and "gender ideology": Implications for the strengthening of LGBTQIA+phobia in Brazilian schools


  • Alexandre Adalberto Pereira
  • Wollacy Esquerdo Lima
  • Antonio Mateus Pontes Costa
  • Tiago Ruan Pereira e Silva



Neoconservatism, Gender Ideology, School, LGBTQIA+Phobia


This article aims to promote theoretical reflections on the influences of the neoconservative ideological current on curricular decisions, and its implications for the increase of LGBTQIA+ in schools. The writing of the text was based on the theoretical bibliographic review as a research methodology. It was concluded that LGBTQIA+ phobia is intensified in school environments from neoconservative and neoliberal influences on school curricula, as in the case of the BNCC, which has caused serious consequences in the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students. In the end, it was understood that neoconservative precepts are aligned with neoliberalism, repressing LGBTQIA+ people by having a univocal model of being and power centered on heterosexual normalization.



How to Cite

Pereira , A. A., Lima , W. E., Costa , A. M. P., & Pereira e Silva , T. R. (2024). The neoconservative aspect of the BNCC and "gender ideology": Implications for the strengthening of LGBTQIA+phobia in Brazilian schools. Revista Sistemática, 14(4), 1071–1083.