Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
  • Support Contact

Search Parameters

Sustainability pathways and practices

Junior LGL;
Peixoto SAS;
Brasil JJR;
Lira MM;
et al.

Governance aspects for the development of smart and sustainable cities

Armando Cordeiro Fraga A;
Magda Vasconcelos de Souza C;
Luiz Alves J.

Food and nutritional education proposal for sustainability

Cavalcante ANA;
Freitas RMB;
de Paula PC.
| 119-129


Perovano-Camargo L.
| 600-608

Sustainability in focus: From management to environmental legislation in Brazil

Pereira WM;
Nunes ERR;
Santos GPC;
Rodrigues ZD;
et al.

The evolution of sustainable awareness through key historical milestones

Silva CMA;
Ferreira ABS;
Leão APS;
Silva GPG;
et al.

Ethics and economics in light of wealth and vulnerabilities

Lovo OA;
Magro EFD;
Costa GS;
Loose CE;
et al.