Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Urinary incontinence in patients of Duchenne syndrome

Alves RAP;
Rodrigues TMP;
Chaves CTOP;
Oliveira MRS.

Aspects of the therapeutic approach to vulvovaginal candidiasis

Anjos GA;
Pereira VS;
Hori JI;
Rodrigues AR.

Ladd's Band - A Case Report

Covizzi IVB;
de Souza TARP;
Scalon T;
Boas JRV;
et al.
| 1235-1241

Nurses' role in acute coronary syndrome in emergency patients

Santos RC;
Teixeira CLS;
Dovales CC;
Souza RD;
et al.

Duplicate cystic duct: A case report

Francino RP;
Martins EG;
Prado ARV;
Frinhani MAN;
et al.

Bibliometric study of chemical compounds based on medicinal plants anti-Alzheimer

Fernandes IC;
Dalarmi L;
Montrucchio DP;
Gaspari Dias JF;
et al.

Psychology and HIV/AIDS: An academic view in the extension

Elisio RC;
Silva AGR;
Araújo ACN;
Soares LR.

Metformin for Gestational Diabetes: Is it effective?

Cabral JS;
Ferrer AO;
Paula JM;
Felzener MCM.

The effectiveness of microneedling in the treatment of post-COVID-19 hair disorders

Cassimiro AP;
Ferreira MMC;
Santos TL;
Mascarenhas MTM;
et al.

Quality of life of people living with hiv/aids: An integrative literature review

Castro FS;
Freitas LASC;
Rocha AGS;
Nascimento AM;
et al.

Thalassemia and bone changes

Hendges GC;
Ayres EA;
Exaltação MEB.

Garengeot hernia: Is there a challenge in accurate diagnosis?

Barbosa CA;
Silva RA;
Santos RS;
Gabrich AC;
et al.

Evaluation of the dispensation of antidepressants in primary health care in the city of Santiago – RS

Brum de Freitas B;
Fontella Cocentino F;
Avila Monte M;
Leitão Gindri A;
et al.