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Simulating non-carious cervical lesions by chemical and mechanical alteration on dentin: Bond strength of universal adhesive systems

Danielle Zorzo Righes

Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya

Alexandre Weber

Victor de Mello Palma

Rômulo Viero Machado

Alexandre Henrique Susin



Introduction: Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) is a very common dental pathology frequently demanding resin composite restoration. 

Objective: This in vitro study had the objective to test the effect of altered dentin substrate by erosion and erosion/abrasion comparing it to sound dentin on the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of All-Bond Universal (ABU) and Scotchbond Universal (SBU).

Materials and methods: Seventy-two teeth were randomly divided in twelve experimental groups according to the adhesive system – ABU and SBU; approaching – self-etch (SE) and Etch-and-rinse (ER); and dentin condition – sound (S), eroded (E) and eroded/abraded (EA) dentin. The teeth/restorations were reduced to sticks and the µTBS was performed after 24 hours and 12 months of storage in water at 37°C.

Results: Fractured specimens were analyzed under stereomicroscope to determine the failure patterns in adhesive/mixed or cohesive. µTBS data was analyzed through three-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α=5%). It was demonstrated that the adhesive system and the substrate influenced on the results (p=0.00), but aging did not (p=0.81). Regardless of time, SBU SE performed higher values of bond strength on E than the EA and S.

Conclusion: EA dentin simulating NCCL did not impair the bond strength and presented similar behavior to sound dentin.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Danielle Zorzo Righes, Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya, Alexandre Weber, Victor de Mello Pala, Rômulo Viero Machado, Alexandre Henrique Susin


  • Danielle Zorzo Righes
  • Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya
  • Alexandre Weber
  • Victor de Mello Palma
  • Rômulo Viero Machado
  • Alexandre Henrique Susin