Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Nursing diagnoses in the period of climacteric and menopause

Ohara ECC;
Reis BR;
Almeida DS;
Silva MA;
et al.

Areas of expertise of forensic nursing in Brazil

de Souza JSR;
Resck ZMR;
Vilela SC.
| 134-161

The use of psychotropic medications in the nursing team

Viegas GL;
Lima JS;
Pigatto B;
Souza LPT;
et al.

Experience report: nursing consultation in LIBRAS elaborates in a illustrative video SAE/CTA

Mikaelly dos Santos Martins T;
Luanna Chaves Conceição T;
do Socorro Pereira de Miranda K;
Silva de Moraes L;
et al.

Embracement in urgency/emergency and relationships in nursing care

Lopes VC;
Ascari B;
Santarem MD;
Chassot MD;
et al.

Contextualizing Forensic Nursing

de Souza JSR;
Resck ZMR;
Vilela SC.
| 299-309

Death and dying: The perception of nursing students during their education

Wachter DA;
Machado EO;
Kerschner CLN;
Vizini ST;
et al.

Death and dying: The perception of nursing students during their education

Wachter DA;
Machado EO;
Kerschner CLN;
Vizini ST;
et al.

Vascular accesses and infusional therapy: An experience report

Araujo NS;
Silva JSB;
Oliveira APV;
Silva PC.
| 666-671