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Hospital hospitality and the health of the elderly: Contributions to humanized training in gerontological nursing

Lizandra Quintiliano de Carvalho

Aline Miranda da Fonseca Marins

Francimar Tinoco de Oliveira

Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva

Eliane Ramos Pereira



Introduction: It is urgent to align the professional training process with the health demands of the elderly, especially those related to humanization, hospitality, and hospital hospitality. Objective: To carry out an integrative health review on the humanization of care for the elderly, with emphasis on the humanization of hospital care and hospitality.  Methodology: Integrative review carried out in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medical Literature, Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed), Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and Google Scholar. Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and keywords were used. An advanced search was carried out for each of the following thematic axes: Axis 1: a) The humanization of care in the care of the hospitalized elderly, from the perspective of the nursing student: "Humanization of Hospital Care", "Humanization of Care", "Elderly", "Nursing", Axis 2: b) The contribution of the National Humanization Policy to hospitality in the care of the hospitalized elderly: "National Humanization Policy",  "Hospitality", "Elderly", Axis 3: c) Hospital Hospitality and its possible contributions to humanized care for the elderly: "Humanization of Care", "Hospitality", "Hospital Hospitality" and "Elderly". Results: 10 articles were selected, whose texts were complete and freely available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, published in the last 10 years (2012-2022), which presented one or more descriptors/keywords selected in each axis described. Discussion: The findings pointed to: positive aspects that enable qualified and humanized care for hospitalized elderly people, from the perspective of nursing, such as: communication, welcoming, individualized care planning, needs/specificities of the user and respect for the identity of the elderly person); the need to dialogue about the aspects that permeate the humanization of care, the context of the creation of the National Humanization Policy, as well as the National Health Policy for the Elderly, reinforcing the guarantee of rights to this public and that include nursing as a promoter of the humanization of care; hospital hospitality can contribute significantly to the humanization of gerontological care using relational technology,  welcoming, empathetic treatment and holistic strategic actions of care and awareness of the health team. Conclusion: The data discussed corroborate the triggering discussions about the improvement and qualification of care regarding the positive impact of hospital hospitality on the management of hospitalized care for the elderly.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lizandra Quintiliano de Carvalho, Aline Miranda da Fonseca Marins, Francimar Tinoco de Oliveira, Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva, Eliane Ramos Pereira


  • Lizandra Quintiliano de Carvalho
  • Aline Miranda da Fonseca Marins
  • Francimar Tinoco de Oliveira
  • Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva
  • Eliane Ramos Pereira