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Evaluation of nursing management reasoning using the concordance test script

Paulo Fernando Barcelos Borges

Wilza Carla Spiri



Objective:  to develop, apply and analyze an instrument for the evaluation of managerial reasoning in nursing in situations of uncertainty based on the concordance test script.

Method: cross-sectional study, carried out in the cities of Botucatu and Lins, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The instrument, based on the theory of agreement  of scripts  in the form of situations in the dimension of nursing management, was elaborated by three specialists (panel of questions), validated by fourteen specialists in nursing management (reference panel) and applied to fifty students of the last semester of the undergraduate nursing course. Data collection was done electronically, both for the reference panel and for the students The analysis was quantitative through descriptive statistics, analytical and reliability test through Cronbach's alpha. Results: construction of the instrument with one hundred situations of the nursing management process. Validation of all situations by the reference panel that guided the comparison of students' answers. The mean score of the reference panel was 77.06, higher than the mean score of the group of students, which was 67.67, with p=0.0004, demonstrating statistical significance. Data reliability was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, which was 0.95. Conclusion:   the concordance test script proved to have good applicability to evaluate managerial reasoning in nursing in the context of uncertainties, significantly evidencing that the reference panel presents less variability in its answers than the students.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Paulo Fernando Barcelos Borges , Wilza Carla Spiri


  • Paulo Fernando Barcelos Borges
  • Wilza Carla Spiri