The present study aimed to carry out a mapping of the official documents issued by the federal government, from 2005 onwards, seeking to identify what they say about the training of regular school teachers, to work in inclusive classrooms with deaf students. It was guided by a qualitative and documentary approach, selecting those that addressed inclusive public policies with emphasis on deafness and teacher training, with a time frame from Decree No. 5,626/2005, which ensures Libras as the natural language of the deaf. The Education Development Plan, the National Policy for Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education, the National Education Plan, the Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and the National Common Curriculum Base were also listed. The scope of the documents analyzed showed that the training of teachers to work with deaf students, in regular classrooms, is treated in a little depth, denoting gaps and weaknesses for this training, consequently affecting the school development of these students. Thus, it is necessary to invest in the initial and continuing training of teachers who work in inclusive education, with a view to giving a new dimension to their pedagogical practice.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.041-038