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Gamification as a methodological tool in andragogical teaching

Talita de Lima Tavares Araujo

Vitória da Paixão



This article aimed to discuss the use of gamification as a tool of active methodology, to assist in the didactic process of adult education, highlighting the importance of understanding the needs of students and improving the teaching-learning process. With the changes that information and communication technologies have caused in the field of education, teachers need to adapt to better teaching methodologies for the new generation of connected students. The active methodologies allowed students to actively participate in classes with the help of tools inserted during the teaching-learning process such as gamification, generating an environment that favors the student's interest and engagement with game reasoning in non-game activities.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Talita de Lima Tavares Araujo , Vitória da Paixão


  • Talita de Lima Tavares Araujo
  • Vitória da Paixão