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Literature and cultural difference: The teaching of literature in the Amazons

Sebastião Gonçalves Dias



The objective of this work is to elaborate a proposal for discussion on the teaching of literature in the Amazon, having as reference theorists who bring the challenge of discussing diversity, alterity and cultural differences, for that, we approach, in this discussion, theorists such as: Homi K. Bhabha (2010), Antoine Compagnon (2007), Marjorie Perloff (2013), Franz Fanon (2008), Walter Benjamin (1994),  Antônio Candido (1995), among others, who propose the challenge of thinking about difference and cultural diversity. In this text, we will discuss reading practices and the teaching of literature in schools in the Amazon, as well as the advances, limitations and space reserved for literature in the curriculum and in school. The basic principle of the discussion is that what an individual understands by culture may not be seen in the same way by another, since the latter's gaze may be contaminated by the vice of rejection of the culture of others, inert to the differences of being beyond or on the border. In this sense, we are thinking here about the edges, the moving borders, the mixtures, capable of problematizing the model, the standardized forms.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Sebastião Gonçalves Dias