Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

The role of acupuncture in motor rehabilitation in wild animals

Köhn AEB;
Francelino LKS;
Lenoch R.
| 1012-1024

Reconstruction and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation after loss of the body mandibular segment due to ressection an odontogenic myxoma

Tullio Becheleni M;
Cavalcanti Nascimento G;
Eduardo Baires Campos F;
Gabriel Moreira Falci S;
et al.

University Extension of Health Care: Multiprofessional care for people with cleft lip and palate

Da Ré AF;
Sepulveda CLAV;
Schilling GR;
Kniphoff GJ;
et al.
| 1125-1138

Use of laser therapy in the postoperative period of colocephalectomy in dogs

Borges RL;
Reichert BB;
da Silva TRO;
Wilges CHM.
| 117-123

Epidemiological transition, aging and physiotherapy

Scandiani KM;
Silva MCPe;
Sogame LCM.

Oral rehabilitation in a patient with odontophobia – Case report

Brazão CSJ;
Gauch LMR;
Esteves RA;
Gauch IR;
et al.
| 14-28

Management of hemorrhagic stroke: A literature review

Barros VCVO;
Domingues AR.
| 354-359

Important infections for orthopedics services

Amorim GAS;
Rebouças AAS;
Filho WSO;
Silva GI;
et al.

Cardiopulmonary arrest: care after return of spontaneous circulation

dos Santos JB;
Cavalcante DAMR;
Rocha CAG;
Rodrigues FT;
et al.
| 154-164