The present paper is dedicated to an unusual analysis of an autotransformer discrete alternating voltage regulator presented as a two-port with a load. The main purpose of the study is to determine the different sets of parameters (matrices) of this two-port – ABCD, B–, H-, G-, Z-, and Y-parameters and the characteristic parameters. A Matlab simulation model of the autotransformer discrete alternating voltage regulator with four commutators, realized by thyristor switches, corresponding to different supply voltages, is used for the analysis. The non-linearities of the regulator’s circuit have been considered in the model.
The received results were experimentally verified in the case of an active load and a good coincidence of less than 1% was achieved. These parameters can be used for quick and accurate analysis of such a device in case of an arbitrary type of load – active, inductive, or capacitive. The obtained results could be used to improve the methodologies for designing such regulators.