Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
  • Support Contact

Search Parameters

Urban agroecology in food and health: home production of sprouts

Guilhon de Castro H;
Marcia Zambom Bertoli de Carvalho L;
de Paula Lopes T;
de Andrade Guimarães H;
et al.

Deaths due to accidental submersion in southern Brazil

Novais RB;
Murrugarra LKS;
Frez FCV;
et al.

Studies and Solutions for Provision of an FTTH Network Infrastructure in a Multicondominial Residential Area

Rafael de Almeida F;
Soares da Silva G;
Sizenando Rossiter Pinheiro F;
Pedro Fernandes Neto A.

Possibilities and challenges of social worker participation in cras: Experience report

Lorens Vasconcelos do Nascimento V;
Pereira Máximo J;
Fernanda Mateus da Costa A;
da Silva Vieira R;
et al.

The regularization landmarket and the implementation gives occupation Social gives city

Marques Rossetto A;
de Souza da Silva A;
Terezinha Uvo Bodnar R;
Bodnar Z.