Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Feelings of health professionals regarding the care of pregnant women with hearing impairment

Oliveira AMG;
Paula MVR;
Novais VC;
Pereira RMS;
et al.
| 225-235

Nursing diagnoses in the period of climacteric and menopause

Ohara ECC;
Reis BR;
Almeida DS;
Silva MA;
et al.

Follow-up of a postoperative pregnant woman with low-grade oligodendroglioma

Rampazzio EMN;
Lopez FK;
Angelo MCB;
Pereira LB;
et al.
| 294-306

Mailza Assis, a woman on the rise

Rocha SMA;
Benevides SCS.

The Maria da Penha law in the basic education curriculum

Silva MCM;
Lopes HC;
Maia T;
Pereira ÂMC.

Nursing care to women who have experienced fetal death: literature review

Bezerra dos Santos J;
de Assunção Santos T;
Ferreira do Val L.

Epidemiological profile of seropositive pregnant women

Sales ACS;
Bittencourt CB;
Araújo GC;
Oliveira GB;
et al.

Cesarean birth Ogilvie Syndrome: a case report

Araújo Medeiros Vila Nova C;
de Oliveira Nascimento Monteiro C;
da Silva Cardoso J;
Andreia Martins Moreno K;
et al.

Metabolic syndrome: a review and clinical case

Arantes JG;
Pires G;
Moura ÉG;
Cruz RF;
et al.

Educational policies for the inclusion of women in the labor market in exact areas

Silva Dos Santos C;
Laraine Moraes De Assis D;
Maria Radl-Philpp R.

Pregnancy and periodontal disease: A review of the literature

Mendoza FMV;
Correa SMP;
Ortega JLG;
Ávila ABO;
et al.
| 1069-1079