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factors associated with violence against women during childbirth in Brazil: An integrative literature review

Thiago Miranda Soares Caram

João Vitor de Andrade Borges

Ana Luiza Pontes Costa Wolney



Obstetric violence (VO) is understood as all physical, moral, patrimonial or psychological violence experienced by a parturient woman during childbirth, postpartum and puerperium. In the meantime, this integrative review was developed with the aim of identifying the factors associated with the persistence of this obstetric violence in Brazil in the scientific literature. It aims to describe the associated factors in different social contexts and the difficulty encountered by women in recognizing this type of violence. Fourteen original articles were used to answer the guiding question of this study: "what are the factors associated with the persistence of obstetric violence in Brazil?", found in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF)  and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) databases, using the health descriptors – DeCS:  "Obstetric Violence'; "Parturition' and 'Brazil', as well as synonyms, which have been combined with the Boolean operator 'AND'. It was found that the analyzed studies pointed out that each experience of childbirth, postpartum and puerperium is particular, but that there are factors that associate this experience with a violence experienced, which are personal, interpersonal, institutional and care. Of the articles reviewed, the women participating in the studies reported their experiences as parturients suffered different types of obstetric violence. It is concluded that of the articles reviewed, the women participating in the studies reported their experiences as parturients who suffered different types of obstetric violence, and further studies are necessary in order to clarify in a more solid way the persistence of these reports of upper hand in Brazil.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Thiago Miranda Soares Caram, João Vitor de Andrade Borges, Ana Luiza Pontes Costa Wolney


  • Thiago Miranda Soares Caram
  • João Vitor de Andrade Borges
  • Ana Luiza Pontes Costa Wolney