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  • Principal Contact
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Search Parameters

Epidemiological factors of monkeypox transmission

Morais TR;
Carvalho HFN;
Girão MMF;
Albuquerque LP;
et al.

Sex tourism in Rosana (SP) and the two circuits of the urban economy

Pimentel JMV;
Farias JPB;
Buscioli RR;
Denkewicz P.

Sex education in adolescence: Can the nurse help?

Martins IP;
Santos JSS;
Silva LAC;
Vieira LM;
et al.
| 846-869

Obesity, sexual maturation and male reproduction

Freitas RDV;
Nunes M;
Tesser RB;
de Oliva SU.
| 474-490

Refractive errors during pregnancy: A bibliographic review

Cavalli AP;
Bettes PSL;
Friedrich AP;
Hammes B;
et al.

Analysis of cases of deaths from covid-19 in the state of Paraná: A cross-sectional study

Koga PM;
de Carvalho TLRB;
de Carvalho WV;
Tashima CM;
et al.

Prevention of teenage pregnancy in the state technical school Pedro Muniz Falcão

Maria e Silva Coelho A;
Lopes dos Santos Filho A;
Rejane Xavier M;
Jesus de Moura Santos Araújo J;
et al.

Profile of tuberculosis cases in pernambuco: analysis of cases, 2011 to 2020

de Lima Rodrigues Souza C;
Ulysses Rodrigues de Souza J;
Vitória Alves Vila Nova M;
Fernanda Guedes B;
et al.

Dietary intake of antioxidants in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome

Rodrigues AREC;
Sales AEC;
Pinheiro H;
Barros GABR;
et al.