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COVID-19 in ventilator-associated pneumonia in adults. Zone 1 General Hospital, Oaxaca Mexico, 2020-2022

Erandi Cortés Herrera

Eduardo Avendaño Mejía

Ricardo Lagos Domínguez

Adela Martínez Mendoza

Ludivina Lezama García

Núvia Sujey Alejandra Hernández Solórzano

Josefina Venero Fernandez

Francisco Ham Rivera



The magnitude of VAP before SARS-CoV-2 in Mexico was 39.7%, in our research we found that with COVID-19 this increased to 44.4%, higher than that reported by Lux et al. in whose research carried out in Chile with a sample of 112 ventilated adult patients, estimated an incidence of 42.8% of VAP.  Murillo Yupanqui in his thesis developed in the Hospital of Peru analyzed 117 patients, reporting an incidence of 67.5%. In this sense, the study on bacterial infections in patients with COVID-19 in Cuba by Aguilera Calzadilla et al. agrees with the data obtained in this study (19,8,18).

We obtained a mean age of 59 years, similar to that found in the cohort study of coinfections in critical patients with COVID-19 by Baskaran et al. Sex was relevant in SARS-CoV-2 infection, globally the most affected were men, presenting the same behavior in the case of VAP, other studies have reported the same finding in patients with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 where they have reported the sex differences and the immune response by sex to the development of this complication which is higher.  Forel et al in their work in 2012 identified that being male was associated with a 2 times higher probability of developing VAPM (23,24,25,26,27).

The most frequent personal pathological history found in patients with COVID-19 was arterial hypertension, followed by diabetes mellitus, aspects similar to those referred to in the literature consulted. Garay et al. identified diabetes mellitus in 50.4%, systemic hypertension 46.4% and obesity 36.1%, and in his thesis Murillo identifies arterial hypertension 43.2% and obesity 33.9% as the first cause. The SARS-CoV-2 disease made us look again at chronic diseases and the association of complications with high mortality rates (23,8,27).



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Erandi Cortés Herrera, Eduardo Avendaño Mejía, Ricardo Lagos Domínguez, Adela Martínez Mendoza, Ludivina Lezama García, Núvia Sujey Alejandra Hernández Solórzano, Josefina Venero Fernandez, Francisco Ham Rivera


  • Erandi Cortés Herrera
  • Eduardo Avendaño Mejía
  • Ricardo Lagos Domínguez
  • Adela Martínez Mendoza
  • Ludivina Lezama García
  • Núvia Sujey Alejandra Hernández Solórzano
  • Josefina Venero Fernandez
  • Francisco Ham Rivera