Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Situational evaluation of brazilian live pharmacy programs

Camargo EES;
Silva JV;
Nunes MLA;
Martins DTO.

Relevance of internal audit to public organizations and private: a systematic review of the literature

Aldinete de Almeida Reinaldi M;
Lucas Fraga Sebastião A;
Danrlei de Freitas Aguiar P;
Cesar Garcia Freitas C.

Ghost companies in Mexico

Isabel García Requenes J;
Salcedo Triana O;
Ruiz Romo D;
del Pilar Delijorge González G;
et al.

Urgent and emergency care network

Nascimento DJS;
Carvalho MAP;
Moura SG;
Negreiros RV.

Health promotion: A view from the school Health Program

Macedo RC;
Souza MFT;
Junior FFL.
| 327-337

Considerations of the Brazilian legislation on the export of animal protein

Fiumaro JEC;
Brennecke K;
Zeferino CP;
Pereira LAM.
| 141-156

Coronary syndromes associated with COVID-19: A literature review

Siqueira MCT;
Silva MAGS;
Nogueira CT;
Matos MLFM;
et al.

Deaths due to accidental submersion in southern Brazil

Novais RB;
Murrugarra LKS;
Frez FCV;
et al.

Evolution of teacher training courses after implementation of the national higher education assessment system in Baixada Santista

Eduardo de Freitas Santos N;
Paula Taboada Sobral A;
Leticia Leal Goncalves M;
Maria Altavista Sagretti Gallo J;
et al.