Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Project Come to the Wheel!

Viana EG;
Martins SV;
Garcia APT;
Naves FNA;
et al.

Prevention of teenage pregnancy in the state technical school Pedro Muniz Falcão

Maria e Silva Coelho A;
Lopes dos Santos Filho A;
Rejane Xavier M;
Jesus de Moura Santos Araújo J;
et al.

Literature review: Impacts of decrease in socialization on child development

Jales Portela D;
Tomé de Sousa I;
Gabrielle Medeiros A;
Terra Magalhães M;
et al.

Childhood and the right to happiness: Legal scope and the support network in Arapiraca

Bezerra MC;
de Melo LM;
da Silva L;
Neto JGD;
et al.
| 254-279

Frequency of urinary symptoms in schoolchildren from Curuçá, Pará

Costa AKV;
Machado GR;
Modesto JSS;
Mendes FJC;
et al.
| 445-450

Every head, a sentence: Deconstructing stigmas in mental health

Rozeira CHB;
Silva MF;
Araújo SOS;
Cruz GJM;
et al.
| 911-927

Chemistry experiments as a differentiator to improve teaching-learning

Pereira MM;
Montanher SF;
Lira HNF;
Ströher GR;
et al.

Psychology and HIV/AIDS: An academic view in the extension

Elisio RC;
Silva AGR;
Araújo ACN;
Soares LR.