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Mathematics education in professional and technological education: Mathematical Learning Support Program (PSAM)

Josivaldo da Silva

Isnaldo Isaac Barbosa

Humberto Vieira de Melo Junior



This research project investigates the difficulties of students in the discipline of mathematics in everyday school life and in the learning processes, in the light of the social contexts that constitute the school, the community and society. From there it proposes the construction of an educational product entitled Mathematical Learning Support Program: in learning, with the intention of subsidizing the treatment of the issue in the scope of Integrated High School. The research will be developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT / Ifal). The present study is justified by bringing a theme that can contribute to the work of teachers of Integrated High School, recognizing that mathematics is a very important discipline, not only for the curriculum but for life, they go through the learning processes and the school that receives these students, sometimes with the existing difficulties.,  then through an action-research , carried out with general data of teachers who act as teachers of especially in mathematics which is the objective. The data collection instruments adopted will be questionnaires, interviews, conversation circles and observations. The analysis of the data will be qualitative-quantitative, made in the light of the theoretical framework, which will involve knowledge necessary for the reception and teaching methodology for these students who arrive at the Institute with some difficulty, now existing, to teaching in general and to ETC, in particular. The results indicate that through a learning support program, students and teachers understand their place within the EPT, until then there is no systematic action in the course to qualify teachers and to work in the EPT.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Josivaldo da Silva, Isnaldo Isaac Barbosa, Humberto Vieira de Melo Junior


  • Josivaldo da Silva
  • Isnaldo Isaac Barbosa
  • Humberto Vieira de Melo Junior