A model of evaluation of human capital is presented, through a tripartite system; that is, three members carry it out, becoming a broad vision that makes it possible to reduce biases in such management; its objective is to make known why this tripartite system is ideal for the evaluation of the performance of the human factor of nursing. The method developed was focus groups, with the group interview being the technique executed; In it, the participants presented their ideas, which were recorded, and later transcribed; Thus, the exhaustive and critical reading of data together with an interpretative framework of content, proceeded to carry out the analysis of these, an action that allowed to understand the perspective that the twenty-eight participants had. With the support of the chromatic technique, the information was brought together in order to integrate the categories. Regarding the scientific discussion, conceptualization was carried out, then the contrast of empirical data with Campbell's theoretical foundation, arriving at logical reasoning. The predominant result was: technical performance, technical skills, quality indicators, initiative, work effort, workload, respect for bosses and colleagues, absenteeism/work presence, leadership among team members, collaborative work, availability, individual contribution to the work team, care management. In conclusion, performance evaluation is a critical and reflective process that goes beyond all dimensions of the work of nursing professionals, it is evident that giving an important value in the evaluation to respect for bosses, patients and colleagues, directly influences work attitudes, user satisfaction and the progress of the health organization.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.037-159