This experience report presents the experiences of doctorate-level studies carried out at the Universidad de Montemorelos, Mexico, from January 2020 to December 2023. The course focused on knowledge about education aimed at a healthy lifestyle. This report aims to present the activities experienced in the stricto sensu graduate program, to tell about the challenges, difficulties and successes achieved, but also, it proposes to motivate the interest of Brazilian students who wish to carry out their studies at the stricto sensu level in another country. Of note are the experiences in activities of construction of a tutorial action project, problem solving, research fair, participation in a thesis contest, guest teacher to teach classes, partnership for a school of parents, construction of educational content using information and communication technologies (ICT), participation in congress and activity carried out in the form of a technical visit to a technological institute. This experience corroborated the importance that internationalization has in the human and academic growth of a higher education professor, in addition to demonstrating how soft skills and creativity can help in the challenges experienced.