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Reframing the learning process of construction management

Maria Aridenise Macena Fontenelle



This article emphasizes the realization of a practical activity of Waldorf Pedagogy in a creative writing workshop held in 2023. Two creative writings were produced: one by students of the discipline of Construction Management and Production in the Civil Engineering course, and another by a student of the Agricultural and Environmental Engineering course of a Public University in the northeast region of Brazil. The first of them was inspired by readings of texts on the management and production of constructions.  The second was based on a lecture that was given by a construction manager engineer in the pandemic on the construction processes of a building for the construction management and production class and which had its synthesis written in verse form by a student of that discipline. The technical and artistic productions of the students of the Civil Engineering and Agricultural and Environmental Engineering courses of the studied University show that sensitivity can be activated.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Aridenise Macena Fontenelle