Vaccination is a public health action that has a good impact on individual and collective health (MALAGUTTI, 2011). When a person is vaccinated, the population is also protected. The general objective of this paper is to present an experience report on the development of an Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI) with key concepts about vaccine and vaccination, developed with students of the second year of High School Integrated with Health Professional in the PROEJA modality. The experiment took place in two classes of 50 minutes each, with students from the second year of the High School Integrated to the Health Professional of the PROEJA modality. The classes took place during the second semester of 2020 and remotely, through an instant messaging application WhatsApp group. The topic covered in the classes was Immune System and the content was vaccine and Covid19 vaccine. The theme and content were developed in the classes of the Biology discipline. A total of 17 students participated. And for the development of these classes, notebooks, smartphones and textbooks were used. At the end of the process of applying SEI to the development of teaching by inquiry, we can infer that placing the student at the center of the process is a challenging task and because of two variables that are difficult to manage, which are: 1st - The student away from the school floor has difficulty interacting with his peers and with the teacher and this creates a natural resistance to new ways of learning. 2nd - Innovative actions that take the student out of their comfort zone are always rejected at first.