This article aims to analyze the access to social rights of black women in contemporary Brazil, considering the intersectionality of race and gender. The rationale for this study lies in the need to understand the structural inequalities faced by this population group, as well as the urgency of promoting equity and social justice. The problem addressed involves the barriers faced by black women in accessing health, education, work and housing services, due to structural racism and gender discrimination. The methodology adopted includes the analysis of statistical data from the 2022 Demographic Census, official documents from the Ministry of Health, and works that address intersectionality and structural racism. The results highlight the need for concrete actions to ensure equity in access to social rights, aiming to combat structural inequalities and promote the inclusion and well-being of black women in Brazil. We also highlight that the study is part of a set of actions of the Observatory for Combating Violence against Women and Girls in Latin America organized by the State University of Goiás North Campus, Uruaçu Headquarters, in partnership with the Center for Legal Practices of the Faculty of Law of the same university, with the Autonomous Faculty of Law (FADISP) and the Federal Institute of Goiás Campus Uruaçu.