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Relationships between the Assessment Scale for Group Music Therapy in Substance Use Disorders and an External Measure

Frederico Gonçalves Pedrosa

Thiago Félix Gonçalves da Silva

Lívia Carlota de Sousa Andrada



This study investigated the convergent validity of the Assessment Scale for Group Music Therapy in Substance Use Disorders (MTSUD) Scale in relation to the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA), as well as the effects of music therapy on the Stages of Change. To this end, the correlations between the constructs and the influence of music therapy on the Stages of Change and linear models in which the effects of music therapy were placed as predictors of the stages of change were analyzed. The results highlighted the adequacy of the general factor of the MTSUD, but the specific factors did not behave according to the theory. Group music therapy had a significant impact on the processes of change, favoring the stages of Contemplation, Action, and Maintenance. Limitations included disparity in participation between groups, missing data, and participants' difficulties in completing the tests. Future research should explore different populations. In addition, it is essential to investigate specific music therapy interventions and other forms of measurement, given that self-report points to significant limitations in this population. In summary, this study contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying group MT as an effective therapeutic intervention for individuals with substance use disorders, although it points to the need for methodological and investigative improvement to develop more effective research.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Frederico Gonçalves Pedrosa, Thiago Félix Gonçalves da Silva, Lívia Carlota de Sousa Andrada


  • Frederico Gonçalves Pedrosa
  • Thiago Félix Gonçalves da Silva
  • Lívia Carlota de Sousa Andrada