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The transformative integration of university extension and education in communities

David Augusto dos Santos Oliveira

Renata Reis Bernet

Daniela Chemim de Melo Hoyos



This article explores the transformative integration of university extension and education within communities. Universities play a central role in society through three pillars: education, research, and extension. Historically, the emphasis was on research and teaching, with little consideration for the potential of university extension. The latter represents a vital force in the practical application of academic knowledge, promoting social engagement and community transformation. Originating in 19th-century England, university extension in Brazil began in the early 20th century, evolving into a participatory model that values community knowledge. During the democratization of the 1980s, university extension gained prominence with the creation of the National Forum of Extension Pro-Rectors (FORPROEX), which institutionalized and organized extension activities nationwide. The 1988 Constitution and the National Extension Plan (PNExt) reinforced the importance of extension, promoting the integration of teaching, research, and extension, and encouraging social transformation through knowledge. University extension provides an interface between research and community, promoting sociocultural development, entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability. For students, participation in extension projects offers opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts, developing skills such as leadership and teamwork, and fostering social responsibility.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 David Augusto dos Santos Oliveira , Renata Reis Bernet , Daniela Chemim de Melo Hoyos


  • David Augusto dos Santos Oliveira
  • Renata Reis Bernet
  • Daniela Chemim de Melo Hoyos