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Ozone in postharvest conservation and anthracnose control in palmer mango

Wlly Polliana Antunes Dias

Flávia Soares Aguiar

Luana de Jesus Silva

Lara de Jesus Silva

Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza

Juceliandy Mendes da Silva Pinheiro

Jeisabelly Adrianne Lima Teixeira

Anne Karolina de Melo Souza

Jaqueline Pereira Medeiros da Silva

Gisele Polete Mizobutsi



The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of water-solubilized ozone, combined or not with different types of fungicides, in the control of anthracnose over 25 days of cold storage in 'Palmer' mango, as well as to evaluate the effects of this process on the postharvest quality of the fruits. 'Palmer' mango fruits harvested by hand from commercial orchards in Jaíba were used. The statistical design was completely randomized, in a 4 x 2 factorial, with the first factor being the treatments (T1: Control; T2: Ozonated water; T3: Ozonated water + 2.5 ml/L of Tebuconazole; T4: Ozonated water + 1 ml/L of thiabendazole) and the second factor two times of evaluations (0 and 25 days after storage in a closed chamber). Three replicates were used, with each replication consisting of 2 fruits. After assembling the treatments, the fruits were sent to the Postharvest Physiology laboratory of UNIMONTES, packed in polystyrene trays and stored in a cold chamber at 13°C with a relative humidity of 85% and evaluated for the incidence and severity of anthracnose, soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, color, firmness and loss of fresh mass. Treatments 3 and 4 are efficient in the control of anthracnose in the postharvest of 'Palmer' mango fruits. The combinations of ozonated water and fungicides used did not influence the ripening of the fruits, except for the loss of fresh mass, which was lower in the treatment 3.  The storage conditions contributed to the obtaining of quality fruits at the end of the 25 days of storage.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Wlly Polliana Antunes Dias, Flávia Soares Aguiar, Luana de Jesus Silva, Lara de Jesus Silva, Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza, Juceliandy Mendes da Silva Pinheiro, Jeisabelly Adrianne Lima Teixeira, Anne Karolina de Melo Souza, Jaqueline Pereira de Medeiros, Gisele Polete Mizobutsi


  • Wlly Polliana Antunes Dias
  • Flávia Soares Aguiar
  • Luana de Jesus Silva
  • Lara de Jesus Silva
  • Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza
  • Juceliandy Mendes da Silva Pinheiro
  • Jeisabelly Adrianne Lima Teixeira
  • Anne Karolina de Melo Souza
  • Jaqueline Pereira Medeiros da Silva
  • Gisele Polete Mizobutsi