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Digital educational resources and the flipped classroom in epidemiology teaching for undergraduate nursing

Jonathan Costa Freire

Raphaela dos Santos Calazans

Carolina Vilela Santos da Silva

Beatriz Souza de Andrade

Kamile Santos Siqueira Gevú

José Carlos Amaral Gevú

Lorena Martins Barcelos

Adriana Medeiros Braga

Maria Eduarda Alves Heringer

Rafael Costa Freire



Objective: To describe the teaching and learning process of the discipline of epidemiology for nursing, using the "flipped classroom" method and digital educational resources, in a higher education institution. Methods: This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, experience report type, carried out during the first and second semesters of 2022, in two classes, with a total of 41 students. The flipped classroom was applied with the technological mediation of Google Classroom™ as a virtual learning environment. Bibliographic and audiovisual materials were used for the study of the contents, which also included the practical resolution of exercises, the presentation of seminars and the realization of research projects. Results: It was observed that this active methodology enabled the stimulation of critical thinking, the integration between theory and practice, the development of research skills, active engagement, a better use of time and a greater appropriation of the contents by the students, with the teacher monitoring and monitoring being a differential aspect in the process.  Final considerations: The flipped classroom enhanced learning and enriched students' training as an innovative way that can reflect positively on the challenges of their professional practices.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jonathan Costa Freire , Raphaela dos Santos Calazans , Carolina Vilela Santos da Silva , Beatriz Souza de Andrade , Kamile Santos Siqueira Gevú, José Carlos Amaral Gevú, Lorena Martins Barcelos , Adriana Medeiros Braga , Maria Eduarda Alves Heringer , Rafael Costa Freire


  • Jonathan Costa Freire
  • Raphaela dos Santos Calazans
  • Carolina Vilela Santos da Silva
  • Beatriz Souza de Andrade
  • Kamile Santos Siqueira Gevú
  • José Carlos Amaral Gevú
  • Lorena Martins Barcelos
  • Adriana Medeiros Braga
  • Maria Eduarda Alves Heringer
  • Rafael Costa Freire