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Exploring the potential of augmented reality in astronomy teaching: An experience report with elementary school teachers and physics undergraduate students

Giácomo Antônio Althoff Bolan

Paula Zambiasi

Rogério de Camargo Cortina

Eliane Pozzebon



Despite the great fascination that the study of the cosmos can arouse, it can become somewhat vague and difficult to understand. This article is an experience report of the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in the study of astronomy, addressing elementary school teachers and also students of the physics degree course. AR is an innovative tool and its use allows a closer approach to reality, making the study more engaging and immersive, enabling the exploration of astronomical concepts from a new perspective. The methodology employed includes the use of augmented reality artifacts as a means of astronomical observation and exploration, using mobile devices connected to the internet network. In addition, a qualitative questionnaire was applied in order to collect the participants' perceptions. This contributes to discussions about the use and potential of AR in the educational sphere, thus promoting new approaches to the teaching of complex and often abstract concepts.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Giácomo Antônio Althoff Bolan, Paula Zambiasi, Rogério de Camargo Cortina, Eliane Pozzebon


  • Giácomo Antônio Althoff Bolan
  • Paula Zambiasi
  • Rogério de Camargo Cortina
  • Eliane Pozzebon