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Full-time education: A qualitative study on the opportunities and challenges for the educational process

Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima

Silvia Gomes Correia

Viviane Lima Silva

Flávio Arantes Campos

Elizeu Crispim de Mello

Edilson Sousa dos Santos

Francisco Danilo Duarte Barbosa

José Humberto Lucas Filho

Paulo Sérgio de Moraes

Alexandra de Andrade Guedes Martins Mantovani



The aim of this research was to analyze the challenges and opportunities of full-time education. The study was characterized as exploratory and qualitative, which was limited to fifteen teachers who work in a Brazilian school that adopts the full-time education method. After the application of in-depth interviews with the teachers, the data analysis revealed a promising educational model, although full of obstacles to be overcome. The reports of the fifteen teachers interviewed highlighted structural challenges, such as the lack of material resources and adequate infrastructure, which compromise not only the implementation of innovative pedagogical practices, but also the motivation of teachers and student engagement. On the other hand, promising opportunities were found, such as increased student motivation and engagement, the development of socio-emotional skills, and a more integrated view of knowledge. Given this scenario, it is imperative to invest in physical infrastructure, educational materials, technical support, and continuing education programs for teachers, in addition to promoting public policies that encourage a more inclusive and integrated approach to education. Thus, it becomes possible to enhance full-time education as an effective means of promoting the integral development of the individual and improving the quality of the educational system.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima, Silvia Gomes Correia, Viviane Lima Silva , Flávio Arantes Campos, Elizeu Crispim de Mello , Edilson Sousa dos Santos, Francisco Danilo Duarte Barbosa, José Humberto Lucas Filho, Paulo Sérgio de Moraes, Alexandra de Andrade Guedes Martins Mantovani


  • Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima
  • Silvia Gomes Correia
  • Viviane Lima Silva
  • Flávio Arantes Campos
  • Elizeu Crispim de Mello
  • Edilson Sousa dos Santos
  • Francisco Danilo Duarte Barbosa
  • José Humberto Lucas Filho
  • Paulo Sérgio de Moraes
  • Alexandra de Andrade Guedes Martins Mantovani